Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Our 75-Year-Old Yard Man

Right this minute, I'm sitting at my laptop in my air-conditioned house, watching our 75-year-old yard man cut the grass:

This is Hoyt. He lives across the street. When our (cheap) lawn mower died months ago, he offered to cut our grass at a very reasonable rate. He cuts the grass for our retired next-door neighbor, Steve, as well. My fear is that Hoyt is going to collapse from heat stroke while cutting our grass.

(I took the picture through the window. Is that wrong?)


RealTimShady said...

A) What kind of wacky 1950's neighborhood do you live in with such big yards?

2) The perspective in this photograph is very looks as if those two driveways are going to converge just to the left of the frame.

C) As I said before, you need to be feeding Hoyt some of your delicious goodies.

Anonymous said...

Think of it this way: you are giving Hoyt a reason to get out of his Lazyboy. Of course, if you give his some Blueberry Yum Yum you could send him into a diabetic shock.

Amy said...

A)We live in a neighborhood that's a little over ten years old, but our house is only a few years old. Best of both worlds--new house, big yard.

2)Yes, I agree the perspective is weird, but I was adjusting my lens through the blinds in the window. (How creepy do I sound?)

C)I have fed Hoyt some of my desserts before, no Blueberry Yum-Yum or brownies, though. (I think I've given him some of the gooey butter cakes before.)

Anonymous said...

Amy you need to take him so water the next time he is out there.