Friday, February 11, 2011

An assortment of things

Apparently to keep up with my blog, I need to be snowed in for a week. :-)

If you can't tell, life has just been busy lately. And I don't really have anything of substance to write about, so here's a little trivial nonsense for you:

1--I started going to the gym again this week. Go me!

2--I have a sore throat again...or still. This has been off and on for the past six weeks. I go to the doctor, get an antibiotic, and it feels better until the antibiotic has run its course. Oh, and teaching all day AND having a sore throat...not a good combination.

3--I am LOVING Darren Criss on Glee.

4--I'm so behind on Modern Family.

5--I love that one of Amelia's favorite things to do is get in Darryl's and my bed and watch TV. She'll say, "Will you take your shoes off and get under the covers with me and watch Mickey Mouse?" At the end of a long day, it's kind of hard to turn down that request.

6--For about the 842nd time on this blog, I'm about to vow to lose weight. Again. I've gotta do something. My plan is to watch Jennifer Hudson's interview with Oprah as well as last Tuesday's DVRd episode of The Biggest Loser to inspire me.

7--I miss Baton Rouge at this time of year. On Saturdays in the weeks leading up to Mardi Gras, Darryl and I might have gone to the bakery down the road from our house and bought a still-warm-from-the-oven king cake...and it was awesome.

8--The fact I mentioned the king cake right after the weight loss vow shows that I might possibly have an issue with food.

9--We lost our February vacation days because of the snow week. Can I just say that I am REALLY going to miss those days next week?

10--Here's number 10 just because I wanted to have 10.