Sunday, June 25, 2006

Movies, Books, and Tomatoes: The Weekend in a Nutshell

Basically, this was my weekend:

1) I finished the book Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult. The plot involves a thirty-something-year-old woman who finds out, after her father's arrest, that she was kidnapped when she was four years old. First, I'll say that the story was interesting; I didn't have to force myself to read it. However, there were places that made me roll my eyes, such as the author's extremely overt attempts to incorporate symbolism/metaphors/analogies, as well as her depiction of prison, which included rap lyrics by some of the inmates of the cell block. The book gets a mixed review from me.

2) Darryl and I saw two movies this weekend. Yesterday, we saw Cars. When I was a kid, I wasn't really into cartoons, but I think I'm making up for it in my adult years. Anyway, it was really good. It was a long movie--a full two hours--but very enjoyable.

Today, and I'm almost ashamed to type this, we saw The Lakehouse. When the trailers for this movie first ran, I swore I would not see this movie. I can't stand Keanu, and the movie seemed hokey. But, doggone it, I like Sandra Bullock, and with every talk show interview I see with her, I like her even more. I think Sandy and I could be friends, going to Starbucks and watching chick movies together. :) So I was suckered in by Sandy's appeal...and the movie was bad. I will say that Keanu wasn't too bad in this movie, and the movie was okay for me until about a third of the way through. My main issue with it is the movie never explains why these two people can communicate two years apart; I wanted that explanation. Willing suspension of disbelief can only take me so far. (I can believe in a world populated only by cars, though.)

3) The Tomato Recipe of the Day was tomatoes broiled with olive oil and feta. This one was super-delicious and extremely easy. The recipe called for fresh oregano, but I left that out because I'm not a huge oregano fan. Seriously, tomatoes+feta=perfection.


RealTimShady said...

My friends Jeff and Erich in DC are acquaintances of Sandy...remind me to tell you a story.

Amy said...

Will it tarnish the image of our having Starbucks and watching chick flicks together? If so, I'm not sure I want to know...

Anonymous said...

OK, I am now caught up on my two fav blogs after spending an interesting wedding weekend near the Windy City. The food looks great...the Miss GA activities that orange suit!
Let's get together for SNACKS!