Sunday, June 04, 2006

Blueberry Yum-Yum and Stranded at Sea (or Rather, on Lake)

This morning, I made two desserts for a social gathering/lake party with our community group from church. One dessert was my apparently famous brownies, which, I swear y'all, are just Betty Crocker's Fudge Brownie Mix made exactly according to the recipe and baked in an 8x8 pan. The other dessert is one I grew up calling Blueberry Yum-Yum, although now it has a more dignified name like "Blueberry Cream Cheese Dessert." I like the name Blueberry Yum-Yum better. Anyway, I took a boring picture of my two desserts side by side, but then I decided to take a picture of my dog, Abby, who was sitting quietly next to the kitchen table. When Abby realized I was preoccupied with adjusting my camera, this is what happened:

I managed to yell at her to get down just before her tongue hit the Yum-Yum. (If you have ever eaten any of my culinary creations and are now worried that they were perhaps tainted with doggy saliva, just know that I always place the food in the middle of the table so she can't get to it--today I let my guard down to get a picture of the food--and I'm a bit obsessive compulsive about kitchen germs, so I would never distribute tainted food.)

Anyway, we went to the party. Jake, the guy who was hosting the party, wanted to take us out on his boat. It looked for a while like it wouldn't happen because he had problems getting the boat to crank. He finally was able to start the boat, and the boat was going to be fine as long as he kept it running. When we got several miles from the dock, Jake slowed down almost to a stop in order for us to look at these amazing houses being built on Lake Lanier. All of a sudden, what does Jake's two-year-old son do? He reaches over and turns off the boat! I thought for a second that Jake was going to throw him overboard; I know I was tempted. (Just kidding--how can you blame a cute two year old?) To finish this story in more of a Cliff's Note fashion...after several failed attempts to call people on the cell phone, after being pulled in to the closest dock by a passing boat, Jake gave the ignition one last try, and it miraculously cranked. This all took, of course, about thirty minutes that seemed more like three hours. (I think I would be a pathetic contestant on Survivor.) At that point, we just went on back to Jake's and decided we had had enough of the lake for one day.


RealTimShady said...

"Blueberry Cream Cheese Dessert" is way too literal...I also vote for "Blueberry Yum Yum" -- simple, yet exotic at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Abby wants you to make her a Blueberry Yum Yum cake that only she can eat.