Saturday, June 10, 2006

Lazy Saturday

Today wasn't quite as action-packed as last Saturday (Renaissance Festival, Braves game), but it was a nice day nonetheless.

Darryl and I went to see The Breakup. (The website has an ad on it for "National Breakup Day," which apparently was June 2. Who knew? Click on the ad--it's funny.) The movie was okay; to me, it seemed very messy with some laughs here and there. I've read that the ending was re-shot (is that the correct word?) after the original ending didn't fare well with audiences in some initial screenings. Now, in the last scene of the movie, Vince Vaughn is noticeably thinner and Jennifer Aniston's hair is noticeably longer, and both characters make a point of mentioning those changes. I just found it amusing.

Then we went to Barnes & Noble and read.

I finished A Separate Peace and thought it was wonderful. I'm looking forward to talking about it with my future 10th grade pre-AP class.

Can this weekend get any more exciting? Can you stand it?

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