Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Book Club Lite and Other Things

I didn't post anything yesterday because by the time I remembered that I hadn't written anything for the day, my eyelids kept closing as I was watching TV.

A few girlfriends of mine decided to start a book club, and our first meeting was yesterday. Get all thoughts of Oprah's Book Club out of your mind; we're not intending to read anything life changing or deep. One friend, Jessica, even went as far as to say, "No symbolism!" Our first pick is Vanishing Acts by Jodi Picoult. I have never read any of her books, so I don't even know what to expect. I have to confess that I'm not really as knowledgeable about current books as I should be. I always feel that I'm reading things to consider for future classes, or else I'm reading student papers. In the middle of the school year, if I have spare time in the evening and have a choice of watching TV or reading a book, I usually pick the TV. Anyway, I'm considering this "current" book my "break" from the books I need to read for school.

I took another golf lesson today. I have just one more left, and I'm not doing that one until I've had a chance to practice some over the next couple of weeks.

I should have some different types of posts over the next few days. Tomorrow, Darryl and I are going to visit family in Florida, so I hope to at least have some good pics to show.

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