Saturday, June 17, 2006

Florida, Days 3 and 4--Got Tomatoes?

As I'm typing this post (or at least trying to), I have my 16-month-old niece sitting on one side, rubbing baby lotion on my arm, and Darryl on the other side, trying to play peek-a-boo with her. We'll see how far I get...

Anyway, now that I'm into this blogging thing, I'm starting to do some things partly because I think they'll make good blog material. ("Good" might be a stretch--maybe just "different" blog material.) Take today, for example. I went with my parents to a farm where customers pick their own tomatoes. You know what? It actually was fun. We ended up picking four 5-gallon buckets of tomatoes as well as some bell peppers. I think I might attempt making fried green tomatoes and stuffed bell peppers this week. (If anyone wants a few tomatoes, let me know--obviously, I have plenty.)

Tonight, Darryl and I went with Darryl's dad, sister, brother-in-law, and niece to Captain Anderson's at Panama City Beach. I haven't been there in probably five years, but the food was really good and we enjoyed looking at the (expensive) boats at the docks afterwards. Here are a few pictures...

This is Darryl's dad, Benny, with our niece, Madison.

This is Darryl's sister (Ashley), her husband (Wayne), and Madison:

And, just for kicks, here's a picture of Darryl and me:

That was today. Yesterday, I went with my mother to Panama City to do a little shopping, and last night, I went with my parents to meet my Uncle Tim and Aunt Winifred at another seafood restaurant, Parramore's. It was good to see them, too. (FYI--Darryl is absent from some of these Florida posts because he, too, was catching up with some of his family on "his side." While I've been shopping, visiting my grandmother, and such, he has been fishing with Haywood, visiting with his cousin Hayes, and hanging out with his sister and dad.)

Well, Madison has gone home, my arm smells like baby lotion, and I'm ready to call it a day.


Anonymous said...

Sign me up for some of those tomatoes (though TimShady will have none of them)!

And I can get you a "Sandra Lee Semi-Homemade"-type recipe for stuffed bell peppers--they are good, despite their kind of gross-seeming preparation.

Amy said...

The tomatoes are yours. I ended up taking just one of the buckets, but that is still way more than Darryl and I will eat. Just let me know how many and what degree of ripeness you would like (ripe, kinda ripe, and green), and I'll get them to you.

I'm interested in the recipe, too. I couldn't find it on FoodTV's website--could you email it to me?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for my tomatoes. They taste so good!!
We enjoyed spending time with you. Can't wait for our trip in a couple of weeks.

Anonymous said...

Darryl looks so sexy holding in his stomach!!!!

Amy said...

We had fun, too. Our trip will be fun (and I'll be sure to bring the brownies and cookies).

I should have used the picture where you can REALLY tell he's sucking in his stomach.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to eat them. I am planning on bringing some snacks and drinks too.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Margaret in Calif. says, you guys are having too much fun. So, happy to see your pictures and hear from you. The tomatoes in my backyard will be ripe in about 4 or 5 weeks. Come get um!!