Saturday, July 22, 2006

School Supplies and Things to Do

As most Georgians know, the governor is issuing a $100 gift card to each teacher to spend on school supplies during tax-free weekend (August 4-6). Can I tell you how much this excites me? I love buying school supplies, and I've been making a list of things I should buy. These are some things I'm considering, but I'd love some input--especially from the teachers out there:

1. A new electric pencil sharpener (actually, this is a "must buy")
2. Pens
3. Pencils
4. Post-its (perhaps a cheaper, knock-off sticky note) for my honor (and maybe my regular) students to make notes in their books
5. Large writing tablets (you know--the big "display" kind)
6. "Alligator" clips
7. Fresh paper/border for my bulletin board

Any other ideas?

Now, about things to do...I really want to have a productive weekend. When I think of all the things I need to do before school starts, my heart rate begins to speed up. I still have a couple of books to read, and I need to plan out my pre-AP class for first semester. I also have some projects that I need to do, such as cleaning out my closet, sorting through my books and cleaning out a bookcase I want to take to my classroom, and cleaning out the guest room closet. Of course, not all of that is going to get done this weekend, but I resolve right here and now to 1) read; 2) work on my class planning; and 3) do one of the three home projects.

Let the weekend fun begin!


Jenny said...

What about going to Lowes or Home Depot and getting those boards cut down to size and having write on boards for your class for fun review games, etc?

Amy said...

Are you talking about the white board/type material? And are you talking about having them cut to individual size? Interesting idea!

Anonymous said...

I almost had a heart attack when I looked at the calendar yesterday...and I have been working almost all summer! I need big plastic storage boxes for the costume closet, but I don't think they are on the official list of school supplies.

Jenny said...

Get them cut down to little squares for each kid and get a class set. Kids love them and it shakes things up a little. AND it'll cost less than twenty bucks.

Jenny said...

PS, change my link info! :)

Amy said...

I just changed your link, Jen--sorry about that!

I'm definitely looking into the write-on boards!

Jenny said...

I need to go get some more myself. A few have disappeared! ;)