Monday, July 10, 2006

Movie with Friends (and a little about TV)

Wow--I'm really original with my titles, aren't I?

Today I saw The Devil Wears Prada with my friends Tiffanie and Sheri. I enjoyed the movie--it was fun, light, good--and even though there were some key differences between the book and movie, I didn't walk away thinking, "Oh, the book was sooo much better." I thought the changes that were made were interesting, and I definitely recommend seeing it (and reading it, for that matter).

Speaking of viewing pleasures, I have made it a practice to watch some vintage Gilmore Girls episodes while I'm cooking or cleaning in the kitchen. Right now, I'm in the middle of Season 2, and I'm reminded of how good the show really used to be and how much it stunk last season. I'm loving Rory in her days at Chilton, pink-faced and bright-eyed with her mind set on Harvard. I'm hoping that the 7th, and likely final, season will get back on track and end on a high note.

And now that ABC is reairing Season One of Grey's Anatomy, I've been watching that. I feel like it is one of those shows that the rest of the world is watching except me. I've watched two episodes so far, and I liked them. I may have to put this show on my Fake TiVo Season Pass.

I'm also reading A Farewell to Arms...and I'm not hating it.


Jenny said...

You are reading A Farewell to Arms AND A Tale of Two Cities????

I detested A Farewell to Arms. Eech. Ew. Hated it.

Good luck! :)

Amy said...

Fortunately, I'm almost finished with Farewell to Arms. I can understand your hatred--so far, most of the characters annoy me. For some reason that I can't put my finger on, though, I'm not hating the book.

I still have two more chapters of Book One, but I should finish it later today.