This is what I've been up to since we got back from Orlando:
1) I finished The Devil Wears Prada. I liked this book. Like Jen C, I felt it was slow in a few places, but overall, it was an entertaining read. I plan to see the movie with a couple of girlfriends next week.
2) I saw fireworks. Our town (not the play, but our actual town) does fireworks on the 3rd, and we saw them. They were good, but they needed music--they're just not the same without Ray Charles singing "Georgia" and "America the Beautiful"... and, of course you have to have Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA." :) One day, I want to brave the people and the heat and go to Centennial Park for the fireworks.
3) I played my first game of golf. Granted, it was just nine holes of a Par 3 course, but it was a game nonetheless. We didn't keep score, but Darryl very obviously won. I have to say that I'm really, really bad, but I did get more of a feel of the game with each hole; I'm hoping I'll get better the more I play. The highlight of the game was when I made a 35- to 40-foot putt. Anyway, here's a picture of me at the very first hole, my first hole of golf ever. When I'm touring with Annika on the LPGA circuit, you can print this out, and I'll autograph it for you to sell on e-bay.
1) I saw THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA (movie) -- just what you want from a summer flick, amusing, diverting, entertaining. (And Meryl Streep is great.)
2) We thought we were hearing the fireworks from Lenox until we walked outside and realized we were hearing actual thunder. Then we stood at the sliding glass door and watched fireworks of a different kind.
3) If you ever make the LPGA circuit, do your best to bean that obnoxious Michelle Wie with an errant drive.
We actually went up the street to Lynne B.'s carport with our lounge chairs and watched our neighborhood fireworks. Not as impressive as last year in Chicago, but then...I didn't have to fight 2 million people to get back to my hotel.
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