Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Story from Amelia's First Day of Pre-K

As I mentioned, Amelia had a good day Monday at Pre-K, but I did get at least this little nugget of information.

ME: So what did you do in your new class today?

A: The letter N.

ME: What else?

A: I had to go to time-out. On the playground.

ME: Why did you go to time-out?

A: Miss M____ said bad words to me.

(Note: "Bad words" for Amelia are words she doesn't want to hear.)

ME: What bad words did she say?

A: She said, "You don't hit your friends."

ME: Did you hit one of your friends?

A: No. I hit one of Miss T_____'s friends.

(Translation: Amelia hit one of the other teacher's students on the playground and had to go to time-out. Sigh.)

But other than that...a good day!

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