Friday, August 19, 2011

The Next Sherri

My friend Tim and I have a former student (he taught her in 11th grade; I taught her in 12th) who is a mutual Facebook friend. She's now about 23 or 24 years old, and she shares some very interesting tidbits about her life through her Facebook statuses. She's 30-something weeks pregnant -- and her relationship with her baby daddy is on and off again, apparently.

She also likes to post things like "Some people need to keep their noses in their own damn business and keep their drama out of MY LIFE." Or sometimes she'll post things like, "I just had turnip greens for breakfast! My baby loves turnip greens!"

Anyway, she keeps me highly entertained. (On a more serious note...Tim and I both really liked her as a student, wish her well, and think she probably will be a very loving mother, with or without Baby Daddy.)

(She also has a friend whose name is so hilarious it makes me laugh every time she comments, but I don't think I should write it here, lest she Google herself and find this post. And maybe for privacy reasons.)

ANYWAY. The other night I texted Tim that I think I could make a reality show of this student's life, and she and her hilariously-named friend would be stars. STARS, I tell you.

Then Tim suggested I pitch it to OWN, and that my next career could be as a producer at HARPO.

And then I got quite giddy because if I did that, I could be the next SHERRI SALATA.

You don't know who Sherri Salata is? No? She was only the Executive Producer for this person's show:

And I would argue that Sherri is the real star of one of my latest TV obsessions, Season 25: Oprah Behind the Scenes.

I'm contemplating inviting her to my 40th Birthday Bash. That's how cool Sherri Salata is.

Or, Tim says, if the producer-of-a-reality-show doesn't work out, I could always make crystal meth.* Either career choice has the potential to be lucrative, I think.

*I want to say for the record that I would NEVER make or sell drugs. Nor was Tim serious about that. I also realize that I might have to erase that if my blog starts showing up in searches for "How to make c------ m---."

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