Monday, August 29, 2011

Creative Escape 2011 -- Part 1

Back in February (when I was still gainfully employed), I signed up to go to the final Creative Escape in Phoenix, Arizona. I went two years ago and figured I would probably never get a chance to go again, but when I heard that my favorite scrapbooking guru, Ali Edwards, was going to be teaching, I really, really, really wanted to go.

My friends Cathy and Blayne went as well, and we had such a blast. I think that this Creative Escape completely trumped the one we went to in 2009, although it was a fun time as well.

We flew to Phoenix on Wednesday and, after we checked in to our rooms and registered for the event, we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant there.

Actually, we haven't tried any others, but this one is so good that we keep going back.

Thursday was the big Bazaar where different vendors and companies showcase their products at different booths. Both Blayne and Cathy had to work at the Bazaar (Blayne was debuting her ScrapRoom software, and Cathy works for Tombow). I was able to help them out a little and then browse the different booths.

Later that afternoon, though, I had the privilege of MEETING ALI EDWARDS. I was so nervous and excited that I was practically giddy.

If you aren't into scrapbooking, you have no idea who she is. But think of something you truly enjoy -- reading, watching football, cooking, whatever -- and think of "the" person you look up to in your area of interest. Well, Ali is that for me. When I first started scrapbooking a few years ago, I got caught up in embellishments and making my pages look fancy. When I discovered Ali's philosophy and her approach -- which is simple and classic -- I was impressed at how she was able to create albums that put the focus on the story, not so much on the "glitz."

So meeting her was a thrill. And she was so nice and laid back.

After the Bazaar and the "meet and greet" with the teachers were over, we went back to Abuelo's. Why mess with a good thing, right??

I'll write more about the event tomorrow...

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