Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Amelia and Her Many Friends

This afternoon I was cleaning up the kitchen, and Amelia told me that some of her friends had come over and that they wanted to watch Tinkerbell. When I walked in the living room to see what she was up to, this is what I saw:

We had a pretty good day today. One thing I realized the other day is that something I miss very much -- something that comes with a job -- is routine, so this week I'm trying to establish more of a routine...consistent bed times, consistent waking up times, consistent tasks for certain days, and so on. I'm not really sure why I mentioned that, but it's a slow news day.

I did take Amelia swimming late this afternoon. I picked up a pizza for dinner on our way home because it was already about 7:00, and we decided to eat outside. Amelia REALLY wanted to have a picnic. Little did I know that this is her idea of a picnic:

Yep. Sitting in a chair on top of the picnic blanket, feet propped up. That's a picnic, all right.

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