Thursday, November 15, 2007

First Night

See that sweet little angel below, sleeping ever so peacefully? Yeah, she doesn't sleep like that at night.

I'm really big on the whole going by a (flexible) schedule thing, but these books I've read don't really talk about how to keep the baby awake during the day (with some naps, of course). I think we definitely have one of those "days confused with nights" situations, but I also realize it might take some time for her to get this figured out.

Today has been a little better with keeping her up for longer periods during the day. We've given her a sponge bath and have talked to her. We're also open to any reasonable suggestions for keeping a baby awake when she's supposed to be awake.

That being said...even when she refuses to be put down in her pack n' play at 3 a.m., we can't be mad at her. She's too stinkin' cute. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the old days and nights reversed! I tried to keep Miss Mac up for increasingly longer periods as the days went by. We played the same cd over and over (drives you crazy), read some really simple books, and I talked to her constantly. I also tried to give her diff. views of things...sometime in the boppy pillow, sometimes in the bouncy seat, sometimes in the car seat...talking all the while. Maybe that's why she is never quiet now. I eventually got her to a three hour up...three hour asleep system...then those naps got longer! Hooray!
PS Am coming with food for the freezer on Monday afternoon if that works for you. Can you email directions?