Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Cooking and Books

Memorial Day weekend has been pretty low key, but the highlight so far has been the wonderful dinner last night. (Max details it on his blog, and he does it justice, so go here if you want the details.)

I guess that Max's culinary creations inspired me to do some cooking as well (something I haven't been much in the mood for lately), so today I've made Max's famous broccoli slaw and Paula Deen's Pretzel Peanut Bark. I also bought the ingredients to make her Peanut Butter Brownie Cupcakes and her Three Chocolate Cookies. I can't decide between those last two; I doubt I'll go completely crazy and make all three in a day. :)

Also, I'm teaching both 10th grade honors sections next year, so I'm basically free to teach the books I choose. Does anyone have any good suggestions for 10th graders? Because it is an honors class, I do want the reading selections to be challenging, but not ridiculously so. I'm open to your ideas...

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Do you already teach Rand's Anthem?