Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I've been waiting to blog about this for what seems like forever...but I'm pregnant! I'm 13 weeks along now, and I'm due November 6 (which happens to be just three days after my birthday).

We tried to keep it quiet until I had 12 weeks behind me, but we ended up telling our families about a month ago, and the news has just kind of trickled out here and there. I finally told my principal yesterday, so now I'm okay with everyone knowing.

Darryl and I are both really excited. Poor Darryl--his "to do" list is getting longer by the day.

Anyway, I'm not really one to reveal too much information, but I'll give you a few bits in case you are interested:

1. I haven't been sick. Not once. (Don't hate me, Jen C.) However, the bad thing about this is that I often feel absolutely non-pregnant, so this has caused me overreact from time to time and slip into worry wart mode. (I actually moved up a doctor's appointment a couple of weeks ago because I needed to be convinced that I actually am pregnant. I needed proof via ultrasound.)

2. I'm hungry all the time. All. The. Time. My "snack" this afternoon was a chicken salad sandwich.

3. I love spicy food. I've eaten all the Flamin' Hot Cheetos out of the faculty vending machine.

4. I'm tired a lot. This has gotten better, but some days I feel as though I'm going to fall over. Today is one of them.

5. My clothes are getting tight in the stomach. I'm not sure if that is "pregnancy" or my eating all the time.

And that's about all I know for now. We do plan to find out what we're having, so I'll be sure to blog about that when the time comes. Oh, and if you know any scary pregnancy stories, don't tell them to me. I've forbidden myself to look at any more pregnancy message boards for that very reason. I just want to hear good things. :)


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to be a grandma! We've waited eight long years. You are going to be such good parents. I'm so excited for you. Now maybe you have something better than tv shows to write about.

Jess said...

AMY!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOO excited!!! (can you hear me yelling?!?!) No more voicemails-- seriously- we have to talk!!!! I miss you friend!

Jenny said...

Congrats Amy! (I can't believe you aren't getting sick!!! Some WOMEN!!!!) :)

Crystal said...

Delurking to say CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eat now. You won't have time to later...or you'll be like me...just getting enough time to eat the child's left over hot dog and mac and cheese.