Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Thoughts for This Evening

--I'm not sure why, but I have this inability to go to bed early when I have the opportunity. Like right now...I could be getting ready for bed, but I'm blogging. Why?

--Amelia is growing faster than I can believe. She is now a rolling-over queen who likes to play in an Exersaucer and grab her feet. (Not all at the same time.) How is that possible? Also, we just moved her to her next car seat, so no more lugging a heavy baby in an infant carrier. I was all gung-ho about it, but now I'm a little sad. It's like a phase of infancy is over. (Wow, I'm being too sentimental about that car seat.)

--I, the person who was probably a TV addict at one point, am watching two shows a week basically: The Biggest Loser (thanks to the writers' strike) and Lost. I have no time to commit to Dancing with the Stars this time around. (Yet I have time to blog.)

--We're doing graduation testing this week at school, so my classes are really out of whack. I'm so ready for the break.

--Here's another photo for you. I ran across it when I was downloading Easter pics from Darryl's camera. It's from our tornado scare a couple of weeks ago...I'm in the safest place in the house, the half-bath. This pic cracked me up. Good times!


Kristy said...

I'm cracking up that Darryl thought to grab the camera during a possible natural disaster! I guess it was your glow in the awesome bathroom lighting! LOL (It IS a cute pic, though. Isn't it great to be a baby with no worries??) Could it be his journalistic skills he developed in TV Pro under the tutelage of Mr. H.?

The car seat sentimentality...I am so there! It's like every new milestone carries a real mix of emotions (happiness that they are growing & learning, sadness that you've lost a little more of the baby stage). As fun as she is now, the coming years will be even more fun if you can imagine that!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness you didn't post the picture of all of us sitting in that little hallway.

Kristy said...

Hey! I actually did TWO posts today. It's the most productive thing I've done ALL week. Sad, huh?

Go over & check them out. (Be honest I too boring?)