Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Look?

I've really liked some of the non-Blogger templates that I've seen on some other people's blogs, and I happened to stumble across one site that offered them for free. I'm just trying this one out, but I'm kind of digging it. I tried a couple of her others, but they didn't really look good with the content of my blog...but I may try some other ones. I also like this 3-column format, except for the fact that the middle column is significantly longer...

I'm also considering changing the name of my blog. The ironic "Teachers Having It Easy" theme doesn't really apply much anymore...any other suggestions? (Well, the irony is still there, but that really isn't my focus anymore.)

Today (and I promise this is related) I became "that" mom and made a comment to Tim in which I compared Amelia to another baby of a similar age...and yes, I was pointing out how my baby can do something the other baby cannot. (Can I tell you how many times I swore I wouldn't do that?) So I immediately felt horrible told Tim I was a "mean mom," and he suggested I should make that a new title for my blog. Little did he know I really was thinking about a blog name switch, anyway. But how humorous would it be to have the festive/funky bluebird above with the title "Mean Mom"?

And for the record, I would like to say that I truly in my heart of hearts do not believe that babies who do things faster are necessarily "advanced." Now, if Amelia were already writing her name in cursive or something, then THAT might be a clue...

Oh, and if you have title suggestions, I'll take them. I'm trying to think of something clever or at least endearing, but I'm at a loss.

And yes, this whole blog renovation helped me procrastinate with grading even longer.


Kristy said...

I LOVE the new look. It's very "you." The colors are great, too. It's too late for me to come up with a good title, but I'll think on it. Will you have to change your URL? (Did I use that correctly? I can't think straight.)

So your "that" mom. This is the first of many things you swore you'd never do with your children, that you will actually do. It gets worse, especially with more children! I sound like my parents sooo many times, among other things. :)

RealTimShady said...

Did Amelia draw that bluebird?

Amy said...

Kristy, I cannot even tell you how much I never wanted to make a comment like that. I used to make fun of "those" moms. Maybe I can at least nip that in the bud now.

Tim--Yes, she did. She's going to be on OPRAH next week. :)

Amy said...

Oh, and Kristy, I'll keep the same URL.