Saturday, April 12, 2008

And just like that...

...Spring Break is over. :(

This week has been good for the most part. Amelia and I went to Florida on Tuesday, and she pretty much slept the whole way. I had to wake her at one point to feed and change her, but then she went right back to sleep.

Once we arrived at my parents' house, I could tell she didn't feel great. The week before, she had been battling a cold and cough (and this first-time mom took her to the doctor TWICE with the same "she-has-to-ride-it-out" prognosis both times), but I was convinced she was on the mend. Apparently not. She had a fever for a couple of days while we were in Florida, and there were two nights that my mom and I had to take shifts holding her because that was the only way she would sleep. (Fortunately, to my relief, that did NOT start a bad habit of her needing to be held to sleep; she slept fine in her crib the next two nights.)

Even with Amelia's sickness, though, we were able to get out some when Amelia seemed to be feeling better. We went to my mom's workplace so my mom could show off her granddaughter, and then we went out to the beach to do a little shopping. Another highlight: Amelia is grasping the concept of a "jumperoo." She's hilarious when she's doing it.

I was hoping that by leaving Florida today, I would miss the mass exodus of people leaving the beach...I figured most people would maximize the full week and leave tomorrow. I was wrong. Every time I get caught in that traffic, I think of Moses leading the people out of Egypt. I'm not sure why. While Amelia didn't sleep the whole way, she was still pretty good, thank God.

I didn't really get much school stuff done...and that doesn't really surprise me.

Here are a couple of other things I want to mention:

1--My "diet" (although WW calls it a "lifestyle," not a diet) has gone way south. Monday, I resolve to get back on that wagon. I have a sundress I want to fit into in a month, so that's my motivation.

2--Is it pretty much teacher-suicide to teach this book to Honors 10th-Graders? When I planned to teach this, I was envisioning having a great group of academically motivated students like I had last year, not the ones I have this year who act surprised when I require them to read a book outside of class.

3--I want to give a big shout out to my Aunt Winifred, who keeps up with me through my blog and is considering leaving a comment one day! :) I think she should, don't you?


Kristy said...

I'm glad Amelia is starting to feel better. I'm also sure you had to twist Ms. Becky's arm to help you with hold her during the night!

Perhaps your mind thinks of Moses b/c you either want to part the traffic like the Red Sea, or you feel like you are wandering in the wilderness for 40 years??

About the, you committed teacher suicide when you actually asked them to THINK AND LEARN. Other than that, it's a good choice.

Aunt Winifred should DEFINITELY leave a comment! Can't wait!

Jenny said...

I totally think Aunt Winnie should leave a comment.

Anonymous said...

I have to comment after you were kind enough to mention my name. I'm afraid I'll write a book once I get started and all of your readers will get tired of me.

It was good to see you and Amelia during your Spring Break. Thanks for the pictures.

My Spring Break has just started. It was too chilly and windy to work outside in the flowers today, so I went shopping instead. I found a couple of things at the mall, but it was not a very successful trip. Oh, well.

Our second set of yearbook pages was uploaded Saturday. School's almost out and we still have two more deadlines to meet!

As I told you Friday, our Seniors are in NYC. They are supposed to be at the Today show Tuesday morning. I certainly hope they are behaving well!

Amy said...

She posted!! :)

I enjoyed seeing you over the Break, too.

Enjoy the rest of your week off!

(And comment any time you want. We won't get tired of you!)