Monday, July 16, 2007

Goals for the Week (and More on Big Daddy)

I realized that I failed to conclude the story of Big Daddy, the not-so-bright student in the Labor and Delivery class. The third week of our class, which happened to be the day after the 4th, Big Daddy and his wife weren't there, but several other couples were out too, I guess because of the holiday. Well, our last class was this past Thursday, and Big Daddy was back, but he was different: cleanly shaven and quiet, no stupid questions. Darryl and I determined that he really was stoned the first two classes. (Seriously...we think he was smoking the Mary Jane out in the parking lot or something.) And that's it for Big Daddy.

I had a rude awakening this morning when I actually looked at a calendar to see how many days left until school starts. Not many. Not only do I need to get some things accomplished, but I also need to work on being more active or else school is going to DEMOLISH me by the end of the first week. I need goals for this week. Here they are:

1--I want the house back in order by the end of the week.
2--I need to finish The Shipping News. (How long can it take Amy to read a book?)
3--I need to get up at a decent hour--oh, let's say 7:00--this week. I've been sleeping until 8, people.
4--I need to cook dinner every night until the weekend. No more relying on Chick-fil-a or Sonic or pizza to bail me out of cooking. :)

I would also post something about needing to walk for exercise every day, but let's not push it. Maybe that can be a goal for next week.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Summer has been short, hasn't it?