Thursday, July 19, 2007

Funk, Furniture, Friday Night Lights, and Harry Potter

I'm just combining it all into one post.

Funk. Yesterday I experienced what Darryl likes to call a "funk." I was just in a bottomless pit of self-pity and despair for about six hours yesterday. Do I really have anything to feel bad about? No. Shouldn't I be thankful for how good life is now? Yes. I'm blaming it on hormones.

Furniture. The dresser/changing table and a nightstand were delivered for the baby's room yesterday. (We don't really need the nightstand right now, but we're kind of thinking "long term" with this furniture. I hope Coretta likes it because she's going to be using it until she's in high school!) That means we have all our furniture except for a glider that probably won't get here for at least another month. I also received the curtain rods I ordered online. Seriously, people, how hard is it to find a white curtain rod? Apparently it's very hard as I looked EVERYWHERE for one and finally had to order one from Target online. Darryl hung the valances last night. Everything is coming together. Once we get a few things on the walls, I'll post some pictures.

Friday Night Lights. Tim and a few other people (and even TV critics) have been singing the praises of this show for quite a while, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon. (How many cliches can I use in one sentence?) I found the episodes on NBC's website, and now I'm hooked. I'm about four episodes into it and really like it so far. While my mother might argue that I already watch too much TV, in all actuality, I don't really have many "series" that I watch. Lost isn't coming back until February (I think), and Gilmore Girls is now over. I think FNL, Grey's, and The Office might be my main shows next year.

Harry Potter.
Whenever a new Harry Potter book comes out, I wish I read Harry Potter. I love the excited frenzy everyone gets into over a book--I feel as though I should be a part of it. I haven't read any of the books, and I'm not even sure I would like them, but I feel like I'm missing out. Does that make sense?


Jenny said...

As "they" say, so much WORD here. I know all about the FUNK. Mine was two days ago where I was woe is me, no one loves me, blah blah blah. :) Luckily the hormones swished around some and now I'm normal again. :) I LOVE FNL and can't wait for it to start back. And I totally wish I read Harry too. Right now I'm so far behind I feel overwhelmed by the idea of catching up right now...OH and finding baby furniture/decor is so hard in my neck of the woods too. You have a)Walmart or b)Frou Frou Expensive Store to choose from. Let's see, do I want to spend 30 bucks for a piece of crap or 2000 for a luxury piece. How bout some middle ground people?????

There. I'm done. :)

Amy said...

My funk was along those same lines. It hit all of a sudden, too--I had been in a pretty good mood lately. My problem is crying; once I start, I can't stop. And I don't even want to's like I have no control! (The saddest scene was probably me, standing at the sink, peeling potatoes and crying.) I am much better today, though!

And I'm with you on the baby furniture. Even though Atlanta has a good bit to offer, it still tends to go those two extremes. We ended up getting everything except the crib at a regular furniture store because the "baby" furniture was way more expensive.

You don't even want to get me started on maternity clothes and the options there. :(

RealTimShady said...

Amy, you would not have cried while peeling potatoes if you had some Tater Mitts! annoyed that Friday Night Lights was virtually ignored by the Emmys!

Amy said...

So you think the Tater Mitts would have cured the blues, huh?? :)

I was annoyed by FNL being ignored, too. (I'm basing that on the four episodes I've seen so far.) I was also annoyed that LOST didn't get any recognition either. I know the season got off to a rocky start, but I thought it really redeemed itself in the end.

Anonymous said...

Tater mitts wouldn't have helped. According to "Good Housekeeping", you have to boil the potatoes first before the mitts will take off the peeling. I think the only real cure for a funk is a visit from Mom. Get ready, it won't be too long!

Amy said...

Tim, do you actually have the Tater Mitts?

RealTimShady said...

No, I do not have Tater Mitts, but I almost bought some at the check-out counter of the Walgreen's in Las Vegas, New Mexico. They had four or five sets right there by the checkout.

Anonymous said...

I think owning a pair of tater mitts would make me cry. I am desp. trying to get rid of "stuff."
Oh, and the Michelin tire baby commercial always made me lose it when I was preg. Go figure!

Kristy said...

I wish I could blame my funk on pregnancy! :) I think part of it for me is the back-to-school blues. I'm always excited about the new school year, but then the summer just flies too fast! I am a Harry Potter fan, but I just read the books in this past year. The length overwhelmed me, but it is so SO good and worth it!

Amy said...

I think I may have a little of the back-to-school blues, too. In a way, I'm ready to go back, but I'm also mourning that the summer is almost gone. :(