Thursday, July 12, 2007

Cleaning and Organizing Woes

Our carpet is being installed tomorrow--yay!--but I really hate doing all the work it takes out drawers, bookshelves, closets, etc. When all is said an done, our house should be, for the most part, all nicely cleaned and organized.

I don't know if anyone saw Oprah the other day when she had on the organization guru. Anyway, he talked about how we tend to hold on to lots of stuff for sentimental reasons, but we don't really DO anything with those items, so they might as well be tossed. He also said that if we go through a pile and hesitate on whether or not we should keep something, we probably shouldn't keep it. That inspired me to throw away a lot of college T-shirts that I had been saving in a drawer (saving for what, I don't know), and I also am sending lots of things to Goodwill, things I probably should have sent long before now.

I've moved on to my closet, which has really become a hazard zone with all the shoes in the floor. Here's the thing about me and shoe racks: I like the idea of a shoe rack, but in all honesty, I don't use them, and they end up just taking up space. I'm thinking about just getting a few crates--one for black shoes, one for brown, and one for everything else. At least that will get them out of the middle of the closet floor.

For the record, I am not "nesting." My impression of nesting is that it is more out of a driven want or need to get things "settled." I pretty much feel anything but driven these days.


Jenny said...

I saw the same Oprah. I learned a lot from that episode. I couldn't believe that teacher's house!!! Crazy!!!!!!!!

Amy said...

I know! You know what, though...when I was growing up, I remember going over to two different friends' houses that were like that...and both mothers were teachers!!

I liked how he made them take all the contents of the room out in the yard. :)

Jenny said...

See, I would have stopped my car and gone through the apparent "yard sale". :) Thus, adding to my own clutter problems.

Amy said...

Haha--I guess that would still help the people who were organizing, though!

Anonymous said...

As a person who saves strange things to use in shows, I have a constant desire to organize things...I think I may have multiple personalities. HA!
On the nesting, mine came in the form of redecorating...from a whole new Christmas tree complete with ornaments and sewing new drapes for every room in the house. Geez!