Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Baby Registries, Tennis Shoes, and More

Darryl and I (well, mostly Darryl) have really been getting a lot done with baby stuff. Darryl painted the baby's room this weekend, and it looks great. (We're getting new carpet installed some time in the next week or so, so he wanted to paint before then.)

Saturday, we registered at Babies R' Us and Target. (I'm not saying that as a plug for gifts, trust me; I'm just detailing our progress.) Wow, was that a project. We already had a good idea of what we wanted, but still. It took about three hours, and we had to take a nap afterwards to recover. While it was kind of fun, I'm glad that has been checked off the list.

Yesterday, I cashed in whatever coolness I had when I bought a pair of Dr. Scholl's tennis shoes. I decided that I really need to be doing some walking and mild exercise so that I don't turn into a complete slug, but my hideously swollen feet won't fit into any "regular" tennis shoes. My Dr. Scholl's aren't very pretty, but they are slip-on (yay!) and have more flexibility than Nikes and the like. I don't know what I'm going to do when school starts--seriously, I may be wearing flip-flops with everything.

Is there such a thing as Pregnancy ADD? I have been reading the same book--The Shipping News--for six weeks. I like it, but I just am not in in the mindframe to read a book with a plot, nor do I have the focus to watch a 2-hour movie. What's wrong with me?


Jenny said...

I registered at the same two places with Luke. And yes, I had the brainfog too...it just gets worse! :)

Jess said...

I want to see a picture of these hot new shoes!!