Wednesday, August 09, 2006

'Twas the Night Before the First Day of School...

...and I'm hot and tired.

I don't have much to report. Last night we had Open House, so I was able to meet some students and parents. I've been informed by my soon-to-be students that my fourth period will be loud but entertaining, and my seventh period has been described by several people as "interesting." I've had "interesting" seventh periods for two years now--one "interesting" in a good way, one in a not-so-good way. We'll see what this one will be.

I'm also teaching one sophomore Pre-AP class. This is the youngest group I've ever taught, and they just seem so little compared to the seniors. I'm excited about this class and am eager to see what they can do.

Well, I better go...I have clothes to iron and a lunch to pack. Let the fun begin!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good luck!!! Hope everything is great! Remember...wait a few minutes for lunch! (Check out the seating arrangement before you commit to a spot! :) )