Saturday, August 26, 2006

The Braves

Last night, Darryl and I had some great seats--the top part of the lower level, behind home plate--for the Braves game. Darryl's friend Chad got the tickets from one of his clients (or something like that), so the tickets were free. That's a good thing, I guess, because Darryl and I paid plenty of money eating hot dogs (is it just me, or is there nothing a like ball park hot dog?), nachos, and snow cones.

When the Braves blew their 3-run lead, we turned our attention to this guy, who had become much more fun to watch than the game:
Not only did this guy like to holler incomprehensible things all through the game, but we noticed that whenever the Braves played defense, he put on his fielder's glove, and whenever the Braves were at bat, he took off the fielder's glove and put on his batting gloves. Occasionally, he would take a pitcher's stance right before a pitch, and sometimes he swung an imaginary bat. He was hardcore.


Jenny said...

Hardcore...or retarded?

Amy said...

Well, I'll put it this way--a few days ago, one of my students was wearing a shirt that read, "I didn't escape. I'm out on a day pass."

I think think that might have applied to this guy. Or maybe he did escape. :)