Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Shopping Progress and Closet Cleaning

With the exception of buying a needing a pair of black shoes, I am pretty much finished with my back-to-school shopping. Ladies, I had some luck yesterday at Stein Mart, where I bought some basic black pants and a really cute/trendy shirt. I also had some luck at Ann Taylor Loft, where there was a MAJOR sale going on. (Thanks for the tip, Kristy!) There, I was able to get a pair of nice khaki pants, a skirt, and a t-shirt to go with it...all on sale. (I know I mentioned in my last post that I've been in a black pants/khaki pants rut for the last several years, but I do consider them to be staples in a wardrobe.) In the middle of all my shopping frenzy, I was able to have lunch with Darryl at Pepperoni's Tavern, a cool place Darryl has discovered since he started his new job. They have delicious pizza.

I was so inspired by my new purchases that I cleaned my closet, and now I have three garbage bags to take to Goodwill. My basic rule of thumb is if I haven't worn it in the past year or so, it goes, with the exception of a couple of things like basic dress suits and dresses. Anyway, my closet looks much better. I could have done before and after pics, but I was too embarrassed over the state of the "before" situation to do that.

Today I need to get a lot of work done for school. I also have to go to the school because I was assigned as a mentor to one of the new teachers, and I have to go to a meeting for that. Fortunately, my mentee was a long-term sub last year while a fellow English teacher was out on maternity leave, so he should be fine. TimShady was my mentor my first year (two years ago), and not only was that my first year of teaching at our school, but it also was my first year of teaching high school, period. I would argue that Tim is still my (unofficial) mentor, as I bombard him with questions all the time. What patience!

And on a random note...what's up with Mel Gibson????


Jenny said...

Mel Gibson has lost his mind. Did you see the photos of him at the party? Once again, someone famous has disappointed me, just like ole Peter Brady. :(

Oh another note, today I'm depressed about starting back to school. I feel sad watching Luke play, knowing that our time together with me as a SAHM is waning. I guess I should be excited that he will be with his pals again, but I'm not. I'm feeling selfish. :(

Amy said...

I haven't seen all the photos--just one or two. I'm disappointed, too. What's next? Tom Hanks turns out to be a pimp?

About the school thing...I feel your pain, even if I don't have any kids yet. I don't think you're being selfish. :)

Anonymous said...

I, too, feel the pain of teturning to school...Ok, so I've been there almost all summer...and it has been really nice. Now students are coming back.

Just have to pass along thoughts about cleaning out closets and sad is it that we throw out so we can buy more? Believe me, NO ONE is more with you than I am when it comes to shopping. (It doesn't count as a shopping trip unless I have more than 3 bags.)