Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Good Ol' Days of Summer

My summer vacation has officially come to an end. Tomorrow is the first day back for teachers, and next Thursday, the students come.

Here's how I spent my last day of summer: I drove through the Atlanta traffic for a doctor's appointment (fun!); I tidied up around the house; I had lunch with my parents, who are staying a couple of days on their way back home from the mountains; I took a power nap; and my mom and I met my cousin Vicky for a "girls' night" dinner at Outback. Oh, and I topped of the day with a slice of the key lime pie, which is delicious.

So let me reflect on the summer. I originally had set some goals. Let's review:

1. Lose 12 pounds. This didn't happen. In fact, I put on a couple. I'm not thrilled about this, but oh well.
2. Go to the gym/exercise at least 4 times a week. Oddly enough, I did do this most weeks unless we were out of town. I guess I could look at it like this: imagine how much weight I would have gained if I HADN'T gone to the gym at all.
3. Read the books I needed to for school. I mostly accomplished that goal. I left Jen C hanging on Tale of Two Cities, but I did finish all the summer reading books and 1984, and I'm currently reading Grendel and should have it finished over the weekend. I also read several books for fun.
4. Spend time/have good times with friends and family. Check. I did this. From trips to Florida (including Disney World) and having lunches with friends here and there, I do feel I had some great times with everyone this summer.
5. Clean my closet and the garage. Well, I cleaned my closet and the guest room closet, but Darryl and I both agreed that it is just too hot to tackle the garage. We're making that a fall project.

Not too bad. The only one I completely crashed and burned on was the losing twelve pounds thing, but overall, I think I did well.

It's not really the start of school that I'm dreading, but that feeling you get about two weeks in when you are counting down to Labor Day. I guess you can say I'm dreading how I'm going to feel in a few weeks. Maybe I shouldn't think that way, and I should be more positive...maybe I'll have students who love learning and look forward to my class and read with enthusiasm and write well and always have paper and pen and...

We'll see.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Have a good day tomorrow! Our first teacher day is on Wednesday.