Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Weekend...and Turning a Corner

This past weekend my friend Casi came to visit. We pretty much shopped, scrapbooked, ate, shopped, scrapbooked, and ate. And ate. And scrapbooked.

It really was a fun weekend. Amelia hung out with us some of the time and was (fortunately) well behaved, but I really appreciate Darryl for keeping her some of the time so I could have some "girl time."

And while I have enjoyed scrapbooking, I think I'm taking a week-long hiatus from it. I really need to get some stuff done at the house.

Tonight was a big night in the area of parenting...we made Amelia get herself to sleep. I've been rocking Amelia every night, and while I have enjoyed that time with her, it was getting to where it was taking an hour or so a night to get her to sleep. So after reading a book on this (a book that I actually agreed with, but can't remember the title of at the moment) and getting a big "you can do it" from the nurse practitioner we see at the pediatrician's office (I love her...if you've ever watched Everybody Loves Raymond, she reminds me of Robert's wife, Amy), I actually made it to "the end" tonight--it took her an hour and a half to get to sleep. My book (and the NP) told me to stick my head in every 15 minutes and speak to her in a soothing voice, but that seemed to make her madder, so I pretty much left her alone. She was actually calm a good bit of the time with a few screaming outbursts here and there. So, whew. I hope we get this knocked out by the end of the week.

I'll keep you posted.

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