Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Reasons Why I Love Sesame Street

The only TV show Amelia has shown any interest in is Sesame Street. Now, I'm not a big fan of letting the TV babysit kids, but sometimes Momma needs to take a shower. Or cook dinner. Or just sit down. In those moments, Sesame Street comes to my rescue.

Amelia's obsession began about six months ago when, on a whim, I bought the DVD Sesame Street's 25th Musical Celebration. She loved it. Then I started TiVo-ing the "real" episodes on TV. Now she comes to me with remote in hand and says, in her pitiful voice, "Elbow [Elmo]."

And let me tell you, I think Sesame Street is a great show. It's educational. It's entertaining. Here are a few reasons why I love Sesame Street:

1. I watched it when I was little, and now I find it comforting to see the same people on the show: Gordon, Luis, Maria...they're there. And they look good!!

2. I like how the show repeats letters and numbers. Heck, if Amelia is going to watch something, at least she is getting exposed to some useful things. They still do this, too: "Today's show was brought to you by the letter _____ and the number ____." Love that.

3. They get some pretty impressive celebrity guests who are often hilarious in their roles. Neil Patrick Harris shows up as a "shoe fairy." (Y'all, he might have come out of the closet, but I've had a thing for him since he was Doogie.) Brian Williams is too, too funny as a newscaster reporting how everyone on Sesame Street has a case of the "mine-itus" and won't share. Kristin Chenoweth (love her!) plays Mr. Noodle's sister in the segment "Elmo's World." Ben Stiller, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kim Catrall (that last one surprised me) have shown up on the show. And Michelle Obama is currently doing a little bit before or after the show where she talks about fitness.

4. I like how the show includes kids who have disabilities. I don't know if I'm being PC in discussing this, but every episode includes these kids, often in scenarios where they are playing with kids who don't have these obstacles. I feel I should say something more profound about that, but I just think it is cool.

5. Many of the songs are the same songs I loved growing up. And I don't know why it is, but a lot of the slower songs have melodies that make me want to cry. When Burt sings "Imagination" or Ernie sings "I Don't Want to Live on the Moon," I seriously feel like I could boo hoo. Why is that??

So that's my little Sesame Street tribute. For the record, I hope Amelia never discovers Barney. He drives me nuts. I haven't really tried The Wiggles. Any thoughts on them?

For now, though, I give Sesame Street a mom's thumbs up! For your viewing pleasure, I leave you with NPH as the Shoe Fairy. Enjoy!


Jenny said...

I love Doogie.

Amy said...

I do, too. :)