Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Weekend and Waterslides

Y'all, I love water slides. I don't care that I'm 35 years old. I'm excited that having a child now gives me permission to ride waterslides again like I'm twelve years old. Let me clarify...Amelia hasn't been down any waterslides and isn't going down any in the near future, but in a few years, she will.

We spent some time at the pool where we have a gym membership, and there's a cool waterslide at the pool. It's not a big one, like ones you fine at "real" waterparks, but it's enough to whet my appetite. I was hesitant to ride it because I thought it might just be for the kids, but once I saw a few adults go down it, off I went. I loved it.

And goodness, Amelia loves the pool. (For my mother...Darryl was watching her when I took a break to ride the waterslide.) My parents say that when I was little and we took family vacations anywhere, all I was interested in was the hotel pool. Forget sightseeing--I just wanted to swim. I think Amelia might be the same way. The only not fun part is the meltdown that ensues when we leave. :)

We had a good Father's Day weekend. We mostly hung around the house except for pool time. We ate most of our meals here, which is actually kind of unsual for us. (We typically go out on the weekends.) I'm also hoping that eating at home more will help in my effort to lose a few pounds, ahem.



Jenny said...

I fear water slides.

Amy said...

A friend of mine who has a 7-year-old son said that she hates taking him to the water park because she hates the loss of control she feels on the slides. I told her that if she would watch Amelia at the kiddie pool, I'd ride whatever slide her son wanted to.

I'd pick a waterslide over a rollercoaster any day. :)