Wednesday, June 10, 2009

24+ Hours

The last 24-plus hours have been slightly rough.

First, you need some background info for this to make sense. I'm going to 'fess up and admit that twice a month, a lady comes to my house and cleans it. Yes, I know that money could go somewhere else. Yes, I know I'm capable of cleaning a house. But about a month before Amelia was born, I made a hormonally-charged, tearful plea to Darryl that I really wanted someone to come in every other week because, as a working mom, I didn't want to spend my weekends mopping floors but would rather spend them with my daughter. And because no one should ever say no to a crying pregnant woman, Darryl agreed, and thus we hired this woman to clean our house twice a month.

Okay, so yesterday was house cleaning day. I never like to be home on those days because I feel awkward, so I took Amelia to daycare and then went to the scrapbooking studio and scrapped my heart out.

I picked up Amelia, and because Darryl was having dinner with one of his best friends who happened to be in town for a business trip, I grabbed Chick-fil-a drive thru and headed home.

When I went to unlock the door, I realized I had the wrong set of keys and that the cleaning lady had uncharacteristically locked the deadbolt. (I later realized that her daughter had actually cleaned our house that day, thus the deadbolt issue.) I called Darryl to see where he was, and of course he was dining about 10 exits down the highway. Awesome.

So I got back in the car to head that way. Amelia, who was not thrilled to be back in the car, began Meltdown #1.

The one fortunate thing in this whole debacle is that I made the super-mom choice of waffle fries for her CFA kids' meal (I usually try to force the whole fruit cup thing), and I was able to pass chicken nuggets and fries to her in the back seat. She was a little happier after a full belly.

I made it to where Darryl was and he gave me the key. Amelia realized that Daddy was not going to be joining us, and this began Meltdown #2.

People, there's nothing like a meltdown in rush hour traffic. There just isn't.

Anyway, we finally reached home. And Amelia took her sweet time falling asleep at bedtime.

Exhuasted, I decided to go to bed early, and I was OUT in probably five minutes. I was so out that I wasn't thinking when I locked the deadbolt.

I was awakened at midnight by a loud knocking on the window beside our bed. It is a miracle I didn't have a heart attack. It was Darryl, who had tried knocking on the door. I had locked him out because, you know, I had his key.

Today I took Amelia to her 18-month appointment since she's going to be 19 months in two days. Anyway...

Darryl usually goes to these "milestone checkups" with me, but I had heard there was only one shot involved in this one (but there were two!), so I told Darryl he could bypass this one.

What a mistake.

I was hoping that by having a morning appointment, we wouldn't have to wait, but I was wrong. When we finally got in, I had to answer a million and one questions about Amelia's development: Does she throw a ball? Does she mimic sounds? Does she show affection? Does she take off her clothes? And on and on and on...

My favorite part is always the measurements. Apparently Amelia is tall. Really tall. Over 99th percentile for height. I'm sure I sound like one of "those" parents when I say I hope the girl can dribble a basketball. :)

All was going well until I was told that they would do a vision screening. I took Amelia to the special room for vision screening, and I'm told by the old lady that I have to keep Amelia perfectly still. She then proceeded to stick several sensors on her head and put an eyepatch over one eye. If you have ever met Amelia, you might understand how difficult of a task it was to try to keep her still, especially with all that paraphernalia on her head. Amelia was surprisingly good to have one eye tested, but by the time the woman did the other eye, Amelia was mad. And every time she moved too much, the test would cancel out.

The woman finally gave up and said she would try again at Amelia's 2-year checkup. (And Darryl will be going with me to that one.)

And when I say Amelia was mad, I mean she was MAD. The woman gave Amelia a Barbie sticker and Amelia threw it on the floor. When we got back to the regular examining room, Amelia was in full meltdown mode. And we hadn't even had the shots yet. I'll just let you imagine how those went over. :)

Amelia has been in a bit of a funk since the vision test. She didn't nap well, and has just been sort of grumpy all day. It's been fun. Really fun.

And Tomorrow???
Um, let's hope for a better day.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh good God, that sounds awful!!!!! Hope that today is better.

I miss our cleaning lady. :(