Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A sign

Feeling drained from the heat today, I decided that what I really wanted for lunch was a small Chick-fil-a milkshake. Yes, it's high in calories, fat, and all that other yummy stuff, but it was going to be my meal, so that assuaged some of the guilt. Well, when I got to the counter, I had a last-minute change of heart and ordered a "traditional" lunch of nuggets in fries. But when I got my lunch, I realized it wasn't really what I wanted, and I barely ate any of it.


When I went to pick up my car from the repair shop this afternoon, one of the mechanics asked if I liked Chick-fil-a. Then he handed me...wait for it, wait for it...a coupon for a free small milkshake!! I told Darryl it was like the milkshake gods WANTED me to have a milkshake. I happily took my coupon and cashed it in. And that milkshake was delicious.

Of course, it could have been a test of tempation.

If that was the case, I failed.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

God obviously wanted you to have a milkshake.