Saturday, March 14, 2009

Not a whole lot to report

Well, as the title of this blog post suggests, not a whole lot has been going on with us lately. We enjoyed some warm weather for a few days and Amelia and I went walking some in the afternoons, and then by the time I had gotten in the routine of doing it, the weather turned cool and rainy.

School has been hectic as usual. I need to grade but have no motivation to. My "bad" class has been a little better since the post I now will call the "post of despair." They're no angels, mind you, but they haven't driven me to the brink of insanity again.

I caved and bought some Girl Scout Cookies today--Thin Mints and, because they were out of Samoas, I settled for some Tagalongs. Then later we went to Barnes and Nobles, and lo and behold, the Girl Scouts there had Samoas. Now we have three boxes of GS cookies. This isn't good, y'all.

Let's see...I really have nothing to report. I'll end with a cute pic of Amelia. I was doing a couple of things in the kitchen this afternoon while she watched Sesame Street, and when I looked over at her, this is what I saw:

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