Wednesday, March 04, 2009

A little entertainment news talk

I haven't blogged about TV or celebrity stuff in a while, but two events this week have prompted me to do so:

--The trainwreck known as The Bachelor. Up until the finale Monday night, I think I had seen, oh, maybe 20 minutes or so of this season. I didn't even watch the whole finale, just the last 40 minutes. Then I felt compelled to watch the After the Final Rose special because it promised "the most dramatic twist ever." For once, ABC was right. This was the most dramatic twist ever. As I'm sure you've heard, not only did the dude break up with his "fiancee," but he then had the audacity to ask the girl he dumped to take him back. Are you kidding me?

There's nothing I can say that hasn't already been posted and blogged. I know one person who is probably glad how this turned out: Brad Womack, the dude a couple of bachelors/bachelorettes ago who dumped both finalists at the last rose ceremony because he didn't see himself with either one, and he got a lot of flack for that. Compared to Jason, Brad comes out smelling like a rose. (I couldn't resist. Get it? Smelling like a rose? Ha!)

--Oh, Rihanna. Seriously, you are taking Chris Brown back? Sadly, I know this is probably the case of many abusive relationships. Can someone talk some sense into this girl, though? She's cute, has an already impressive this the best she can do???

Okay, time to get ready for school now...

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