Friday, June 27, 2008

Cleaning, Movies, and Such

Yesterday, during Amelia's "daycare day," I was actually productive and marked an item off my summer to-do list: I cleaned out her room/closet. This involved boxing up the clothes that no longer fit and re-organizing some drawers and things. It was a bigger job than I anticipated, but I'm glad it's done. I have to confess that I wanted to get a little teary-eyed as I put her hospital things--her blanket, bracelet, Northside Hospital t-shirt, coming home outfit, etc.--in their own special box. I know this sounds cliche, but I can't believe how quickly she's growing up.

I had hoped to organize my kitchen, too, but I at least was able to sort through expired food in our tiny pantry (c'mon...everyone has expired food in the pantry, right?), and threw out enough stuff to give Amelia her own space for formula and food.

Darryl was out of town four days this week and three days last week. Now he's home for a while. Thank goodness.

I did manage to watch two movies this week after Amelia went to bed. The first one I saw was 27 Dresses. When this movie came out, I rolled my eyes at it and figured it would just be a formulaic romantic comedy, but for some reason, I decided to pick it up at Blockbuster. Anyway, the movie was formulaic, but it was more entertaining that I had anticipated, and I actually kind of liked it. Academy Award winner? No. Decent romantic comedy that a tired mom (or dad, or person in general) can follow? Yes.

The other movie was Enchanted. Y'all, I adored this movie. Funny, smart, satirical, endearing...and Amy Adams is incredible. And it is very family friendly, if that's a concern. I highly, highly, highly recommend it.

And if I can coax myself out of this chair with my coffee by my side (and Amelia's in an Exersaucer, no worries), I will have walked four mornings this week. I think I'm going to do it.


Kristy said...

You were up & blogging by 6:30?? Our lives have somehow totally flipped. We were up by 10:30/11:00. (Bekah had a friend over.)

I know how you feel going thru baby clothes. It doesn't get any easier, either. The clutter just forces me to do it. I had to laugh out loud about the pantry. We re-organize ours a few times a year. Amazing, isn't it?

I haven't seen 27 Dresses but have heard it's good. Ditto on the Enchanted movie. My kids loved it. The end was a little intense for Micah. I believe it was Susan S. that played the wicked stepmother/witch. Micah still talks about her. (I think she did a great job, though.)

Jenny said...

You wouldn't believe the expired food we had in the pantry and fridge when we were moving out. Oh my happens so quickly!

Jenny said...

I've been trying to watch Lost in Translation for 2 days. My boys and the phone keep getting in the way. :)

Amy said...

Kristy, I would not be up if it weren't for my little Amelia alarm clock. Even still...believe it or not, before Amelia came, I usually got up around 7 or 7:30 during the summer. What happened to me???

And Jen, I have to get my movie watching in after Amelia goes to bed. It doesn't happen otherwise. (This explains why I'm really behind on the movie scene.)