Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My summer far

I haven't posted this week because there really hasn't been much to post about. I'm enjoying being off from school, but I've pretty much been a lazy bum most days. Here's a rundown of things that have happened or things that I've done when I haven't been lounging on the couch. :)

1) Darryl returned home from a business trip. Darryl went to South Africa for a business trip for two weeks and returned Saturday. I'm really glad he's back. (I had pretty much exhausted all conversation topics with the dog, anyway.)

2) Darryl and I saw Shrek the Third. It was okay, but I didn't think it was as good as the first two.

3) I've had to do fun medical stuff. Monday, I was convinced I had a urinary tract infection. (Is that TMI? I don't think so, right? It's a fairly common, talked-about ailment.) After spending three-plus hours driving to the doctor, waiting for the doctor, and driving back from the doctor, it turns out that it is highly likely I do NOT have a UTI. Tuesday, I had to have blood work done at a lab (not related to the UTI--this was a routine screening test). I've been pretty proud of myself with all this needle-sticking I've gone through in the past year. Some of you may know that I do not have a good track record with needles and such, but, knock on wood, I have had no issues so far. Maybe I'm finally turning into a big girl. (Look, that's true in more ways than one these days.)

4) I've finally gotten back to cooking on a consistent basis. I'll be honest--Darryl and I have definitely done much more eating out than eating in since I found out I was pregnant. At first, this was because my tastes seemed to change with the hour and there was no way to plan a menu, but then it just turned into "I don't feel like cooking" blahs. Now that school is out, though, and my tastes are somewhat more consistent, I have no excuses. Last night I fixed a pretty good Paula Deen pepper steak recipe (with blueberry cobbler for dessert!), and tonight I'm having good ol' meatloaf and mashed potatoes.

5) I watched The Queen and really enjoyed it. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. I confess that I was completely obsessed with Diana's death when it happened (yes, I actually woke up at the ungodly hour to watch the funeral live), and it was really neat (for lack of a better word) to see a "behind the scenes" look at the royal family and the relationship between the Queen and Tony Blair. I also see why Helen Mirren racked up during awards season.

That's about it.


Jenny said...

I'm looking forward to watching The Queen. It's coming up in my netflix list...yay!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree on Shrek III. (Of course, you know I see 2 movies a year.) Glad back. Am almost finished with the Les Mis website for the USA Today contest. Pull it up tomorrow and see what you think. Will send the link to your school email.

Amy said...

Jen, I think you'll like the movie. Let me know what you think after you see it.

Kim, I think Shrek was the first movie I had been to in MONTHS. I'll be happy to look at your website.

Anonymous said...

Sent the web address to your school email!