Thursday, June 07, 2007

Darryl, a.k.a. Superman

Darryl and I work in the kids' program (department, whatever you want to call it) at our church--Darryl's job is to pass out candy to kids as they walk in, and I work at the registration desk. Anyway, our church does this thing for kids every summer called "Summer Craze," and the theme is "Superheroes." As you can probably tell from the picture, part of the attire includes a red Superman cape. Darryl was oh-so-happy when he was told that although there weren't enough capes for all the workers to wear one, the "candy man" MUST wear the cape. (Jen, does Luke have one of these?)

Darryl also did not want me to post this picture. Oh, well...I think he looks smashing in this cape. The more I look at this picture, though, the more it makes me laugh. Darryl looks almost forlorn, holding his bucket of candy in one hand, very unthrilled to be wearing the satin cape. Ha.


Jenny said...

Luke doesn't have a cape of Superman, but has one for Batman. Funny pic. He doesn't look too happy!

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of the child who was all dressed up but didn't get any Halloween candy!