Project Life. I started to begin this sentence with "You might remember that two years ago...," but then I thought that probably nobody remembers this because my scrapbooking endeavors are very likely not at the forefront of everyone's mind.
Anyway, I have embarked on a scrapbooking project for the past two years called
Project Life, and I'm doing it again this year. In 2010, I tried to do the "photo a day" thing, and while I mostly enjoyed it, I also found it burdensome. Getting photos developed and catching up on journaling of all the photos could sometimes be a nightmare, and the point of scrapbooking -- besides recording memories -- is having fun, right?
Last year, I tried the digital version, and about a month into it, I realized I didn't like it that way. I thought I would enjoy eliminating the "photo developing" step, but I just got lazy with it. (Nothing was wrong with the product itself, mind you. It just wasn't for me.) In fact, that album is only about halfway complete, and I just work on it a little from time to time. I feel compelled to finish it, though, because I paid for it up front so I could get an extremely discounted rate.
So this year, I'm going back to the traditional version, but I'm doing more of a "week at a glance" kind of thing--photos, receipts, lists, journaling. Just little snippets that represent daily life. No pressure to do that "photo a day" business. Next week, I'm going to post what I have so far.
(1--That whole discussion probably bored you to tears, didn't it? And 2--I've had to get up three times so far because Amelia becomes Miss High Maintenance when in comes to how she wants her hot chocolate. First she didn't want the marshmallows on top, so she wanted me to take them out. Then she did want them. Then it was too hot. It might be a long day around here.)
Parenthood. I have started watching this show on Netflix and I LOVE it. (By the way, I am totally into the whole "watching a show on Netflix" thing. It's how I became obsessed with Mad Men. And speaking of Mad Men, WHEN IS IT COMING BACK????) I had to make myself go to bed last night (or this morning) at 12:30 because I wanted to keep watching. Alas.
Football. Y'all. I can hardly talk about that National Championship game the other night. What was UP with the Tigers? (In all truth, while I love my team, I thought it would be very difficult to beat Bama one more time, but I didn't think we would be SHUT OUT.) Also? I learned that I like a high-scoring game. More touchdowns, I say. A low-scoring game is a SNOOZEFEST.
New Year's Resolutions. Actually, I'm doing okay. I've been eating much better, keeping up with my workout plan, and reading the Bible with the goal of finishing it in a year. However, I'm in the middle of Job right now (I'm doing the chronological plan), and oh my goodness. Job is long, y'all. And a bit repetitive. And depressing. After Job, I might find the rules about the temple very exciting.
Rain. When we were in Baton Rouge over Thanksgiving, I saw some rainboots on sale and came "this close" to getting them, but I refrained. Of course, since that moment, Atlanta has felt more like Seattle. Seriously, y'all...rain, rain, rain. I'm pretty sure, though, that if I had bought the rainboots, it would be sunny here all the time.
That's all.