Friday, December 11, 2009

Essay, essays, essays

Good grief. I have been grading essays for what feels like forever, which is primarily why I haven't blogged much. Here's the lowdown:

--I had 30 Honors essays on Sc@rlet Letter to grade. They took a sweet forever because they were TERRIBLE. (As a side note, let me add that much of my precious time was spent answering parent emails about the low grades. Sigh.)

--I had 26 AP essays on Sc@rlet Letter to grade. They were much less disappointing than the honors essays, but I was so sick of reading about SL that I wanted to pull an Oedipus and gouge my eyeballs.

--I've had to grade 30 essays so far on SL from my regular students. I should have about 20 more to grade, but that's how many kids decided not to turn one in this close to the end of the semester. Apathy, anyone?

--I now have about 100 Performance Exam essays from all these classes combined for me to grade this weekend. These are going to be quick, though; I'm reading them and slapping on a grade. End of story.

I've been switching up the colors of my grading pens just to keep things interesting. Green, purple,'s the small things that keep me going.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I too buy cool pens to keep me going. That and cool paper clips. :)