Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Festivities--Part 2 (Christmas in Opp)

Last Saturday, we made the long journey to Opp, Alabama, to see some of my dad's family. It was a little over four hours each way, but we just decided to buckle down and do the trip there and back in one day. Amazingly, Amelia was great for the whole trip--what a trooper. Anyway, we had a great time with family, and it was totally worth the drive.

Here's Amelia on the way there. She pretty much amused herself by looking at books, talking, and singing.

Once we got there, we all visited and caught up with one another until lunch was ready. Check out this table o' cakes and pies!

Amelia particularly enjoyed playing with John, who is four years old. Amelia and John are about the same age difference as John's dad, Jody, and I are. We had a lot of fun playing together when we were younger, so it was kind of cool seeing our kids play together so well.

Here's Aunt Winifred, playing Santa for our Dirty Santa exchange.

What a fun time!!

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