Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas in Opp

Last weekend, Darryl and I went to Opp, Alabama, to see my dad's side of the family for the annual Christmas gathering. Even though it was a really long drive for us to tackle in one day (four hours each way), spending time with family I don't get to see that often made the long trip worthwhile.

Lunch was delicious--smoked ribs and chicken with all the fixings, various desserts, and Christmas goodies. Afterwards, we played "Dirty Santa," also known as the White Elephant exchange. All I have to say is that I learned quite a bit about my family as a bottle of wine became the hot ticket item for people to steal. :)

Anyway, it was a great time, and I was glad I was able to spend some time with everyone. Below are some pics from the day.

Here are Leigh (my cousin Andy's wife) with her daughter Lily and cousin John:

Here are Uncle Joe and his family. His son Jody (now 6+ feet tall, wearing the cap) and I shared some fun adventures when we were wee younguns, adventures that primarily included my throwing him off the back of go-carts and 4-wheelers. I never could grasp the idea of accelerating slowly. Anyway, also in the picture are my Aunt Judy, Jody's wife Melissa, and their son John.

Here are Uncle Tim and his family: Aunt Winifred; my cousin Andy; Andy's wife, Leigh; and their daughter, Lily. (I can remember when Andy was born, and that makes me feel REALLY old.) My parents and Uncle Tim's family have become very close over the past couple of years, meeting every Friday night for dinner. I'm hoping Darryl and I get to see them again when we go to Florida for Christmas next week.

Here are Darryl and me with my parents. You've already been introduced to them. I enjoyed seeing them, too. (I tried cropping the pic so that the shadow wasn't in the bottom right, but my results were always blurry. Oh, well. Here we are with the shadow.)

And here is the last pic--my dad and his siblings. Poor Aunt Azalea...I'm sure being the only girl in that house of boys was quite the adventure.

So there you have it--Christmas in Opp. Have any of you ever been to Opp?


Jenny said...

Opp? Opportunity!!!

Anonymous said...

Having an aunt named Azalea is priceless! Just have to know if you finished all your shopping in record time?

Amy said...

Theatre Director--I did indeed finish all my Christmas shopping, and what's more is that the gifts are all wrapped and under the tree!

Anonymous said...

Amy & Darryl , Wonderful to have had some fun with ya'll . You both look so
Happy , filled with love & laughter . You are truly a Beautiful YOUNG woman .
Funny how much we all enjoy a good glass of wine . In Papa Waldorff refg. after he had gone heaven , I found his small wine glass & a half bottle of red wine .
God Bless & Merry Christmas
Love Aunt Azalea

Anonymous said...

So I leave your blog and am reading a book Eddie has left on the bedside...and lo,and behold a mention of Opp, Alabama. Too weird!

Amy said...


Anonymous said...

Book is a "thriller" called HARDCASE by Dan Simmons...and I quote: "...putting four of them in the hospital for gunshot wounds and sending all of them to the Babbie State Prison just outside of Opp."
Ok, so I was hard up for someting to read...Miss Mac has been terribly ill...and I had run out of things to read. Thankfully, it was a fast read, and if I ever get into a tight spot with the mob, I think I will know what to do.