Thursday, December 14, 2006

Busy week

The past couple of weeks have been extremely busy for me, as is the case every year before the holidays. I've had to finish up my grading, type up exams, and so on. The end is in sight, though--our vacation starts tomorrow.

Yesterday I did something that I haven't done in at least five years: I overslept because I forgot to turn on my alarm. Darryl woke me up at 6:00--an hour and fifteen minutes later than I ususally get up. I had to forego my shower (gross!) and morning coffee. I truly felt "not all there" all day.

I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. My friend Casi is coming up this weekend for our traditional Christmas shopping weekend, and I plan to get it all done then.

I will try to have a legitimate blog post up soon, complete with some good pics of my family gathering last weekend.

I hope everyone is having a good holiday season so far.

I'll post again soon!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Good to read an update! Have a great holiday season!