Thursday, September 01, 2011

Creative Escape 2011--Part 3

Okay, back to Creative Escape...

First, I realize I never showed you the view from my room.

Pretty sweet, huh?

Anyway, Saturday night, the evening concluded with the traditional celebration. Here's a photo of the three of us. (If you can't tell, there was a bit of a '50s theme involved.)

We had dinner, and then there were TONS of door prizes. Blayne won a Cricut (!), and I was THRILLED to win a package of goodies from American Crafts. (I'm not being sarcastic about the being thrilled part. A) I never win anything, so I was shocked I actually won something, and B) I love American Craft products.)

Then Heidi Swapp herself -- the creator and hostess of CE -- delivered the keynote speech. That woman has yet to speak without making me cry, and this time was no exception. She truly has an inspiring passion for recording memories, and this year her emphasis was on how the details of our lives are "worth remembering."

(Cathy took a photo of Blayne and me with Heidi Swapp and I would put it here, but I don't have it yet. I'm sure you are disappointed, especially since you are probably like, "Enough about Creative Escape, already!")

I mentioned on Monday and Tuesday about what a thrill it was for me to meet and take a class from Ali Edwards. Well, Saturday night was a bonus because I got to meet and talk with Becky Higgins, the creator of Project Life!

She wasn't a teacher at this event; she just came to the Saturday Celebration. She was so nice! I told her how much I appreciated Project Life, and she hugged my neck, asked me really was great talking to her.

One of the things that both she and Ali have done for me is realize that some of the best photos to take are everyday moments -- routines, playtime, work, chill-out time, etc. So I was a bit over the moon that I got to meet two of my favorite people in the industry in a 3-day period.

Sunday morning, we flew home. The three of us really had an awesome time and were completely inspired to continue recording our memories.

(And thank you for enduring my Creative Escape recap for this week! I also need and want to include a HUGE thank you to Darryl for being super-dad/super-husband while I was away! And..AND...the house was cleaner when I returned than it was when I left it!)

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