I'm not going to sugarcoat--this school year has been kicking my rear so far. I told Tim (fellow teacher) yesterday that in many ways it feels like my first year of teaching.
For starters, I have more students than I've ever had. I've been a little, oh, whiny about this, but I guess I need to put on my big-girl pants and accept the fact that my classes aren't going to get any smaller. Unless I can convince a few to drop out of school...but I don't think I'm supposed to do that. :)
Our new principal is also big on consistency between classes, meaning that if two teachers teach the same class, our tests should be the same and they should be given on the same day. Now, I don't think that is a bad thing, but the person who also teaches American Lit (not Tim, someone else) has a tendency to "lolligag," and I'm more of a "let's cover it and move on" kind of teacher, especially for some of the lesser-known works. I spent an hour and a half meeting with him yesterday discussing our Crucible unit and trying to talk him out of some projects that would have eaten up days and days of class time. My goal is to get this guy to the Postmodern period by the end of the year, come hail or high water. (It is hail, isn't it? Not hell? In this case, maybe both.)
I won't even get into the grading. I made a plan at the beginning of the week that I was going to stay after school TWO hours and spend the first hour planning and the last hour grading. That was a great plan until I had a collaboration team meeting one day and a parent meeting the next and then my Crucible meeting yesterday. But after putting in 50 hours at work during the week, I really don't want to take time away from Darryl and Amelia this weekend, but alas, I have a bag full of tests to grade. In short, I'm struggling for that balance of personal life and professional life.
But I like teaching. I can't imagine doing anything else. I'm trying desperately to find a system that works and that doesn't take away from sleep or family time. Any suggestions, fellow English teachers???
I'll end on a happier note. Here are a couple of recent Amelia pics. She is now 9 months old. I can't believe it.
Sorry about your frustrating work/life scale, but on the up side: your daughter is ADORABLE and your hair looks great in that picture!!
First of all, love the pics, esp the sassy bangs!
Second, I'm right there with you on the whole "I gotta balance my work and personal life". I just spent 9-3 downtown B'ham at a debate coach meeting.
I have no suggestions about fixing that part of our job, just know that it's all around. Oh, and I always thought it was hell and high water, but I've been wrong before. Example: Sweet As Cake does not equal Sweet Escape.
I'm not sure of the hail/hell or high water thing either, although both could be appropriate.
In regards to the school thing, this is just the type of stuff that others don't realize we do. You know the ones who think teaching is so easy & that we get 2-3 months off & still get "paid." If only they knew. BTW, how many projects and activities did this guy come up with for the Crucible unit?? I'll pray for you. (Literally, yes, but also a little tongue-in-cheek
Love Amelia's expressions. She's a great mix of the two of you.
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