Saturday, May 31, 2008


Darryl, Amelia, and I have been in Florida since Wednesday evening and are here indefinitely, waiting for "the inevitable" to occur with Darryl's dad. Thus, no exciting blog posts this week. Here are a few other things going on.

--We flew down here and rented a Honda Odyssey to drive in case there is a need to transport lots of people (which is highly likely if lots of family members come in). I feel like a soccer mom driving that thing, but I'm going to make a confession...I kind of like it. So spacious! So easy to get Amelia in and out of! (What has happened to me??)

--I've had lots of "blasts from the past" this week. I've seen several of my elementary school teachers, and I saw my fourth-grade "crush" in a local restaurant. He's apparently a preacher now. This was quite shocking to me as he was quite not-so-preacherly in high school. (In fourth grade, though, he was a perfect gentlemen.)

--I finally watched the LOST finale last night. Maybe I was just tired or distracted from everything else going on, but I was a little disappointed. I might have to watch it again when I get home.

--I'm probably going to put on 10 pounds this week with all the food people are bringing over. I had the best chicken pot pie I've ever had in my life for BREAKFAST this morning.

--Anyone watch the spelling bee last night? What's up with that 12-year-old boy with the mustache? (Tim, he reminded me of a young Juan A./Hamburglar.)

Thanks for all the good thoughts you are sending our way.


Kristy said...

We are keeping ya'll in our prayers!

Do tell who the 4th grade crush was! Do I know Mr. Mystery??
I love to eat things for breakfast that weren't meant for breakfast! (Unless you're in college, & then I think it's accepted.) Of course, I could get that from Grannie. You remember her idea of milk for our breakfasts at the beach? Icecream bars, anyone?

Amy said...

Kristy, it was Mike S., who was at some point married to your favorite person, Dawn P. (Do you know who I'm talking about now?) What's more, I think he's a Pentecostal preacher...

Your grandmother kills me. I remember very well how she let us have ice cream bars for breakfast so we could have our "dairy." :)

RealTimShady said...

The mustachioed (there's a Spelling Bee word for you) kid was cracking me up completely -- it was the combination of mustache and sweater vest and tie!

I loved the kid who won. He and Rose were my favorites.

And I'm glad a public school kid was the winner. Yay, public schools!

(I was afraid for awhile that the smug homeschooled girl from California was going to win.)

Kristy said...

OMGosh! That cracks me up. Yes, I remember him. The preacher thing is a total shocker. Maybe marriage to you-know-who drove him to be a man of the cloth? LOL I wonder where she is now. Did they move back to NJ? Is he preaching locally?

Jenny said...

Homeschooled smarties---blah! :)

Sorry about Darryl's dad. :( That's awful.

Amy said...

Kristy, I've found out a little bit more about Mike S. He does preach locally in a little "branch off" church that has been described to me as "cult like." Interesting.