Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lost, Shopping, Summer Reading, Food TV

Forgive my very disjointed post...

I'm lost on Lost. I finally was able to catch up with the last two episodes, and I'm more confused than ever...but still intrigued. I just hope at some point this will all come together and it won't be disappointing.

I think I'm going to take my girl and go shopping today. I really knocked myself out with grading last weekend so I wouldn't have as much to do this weekend (my first Mother's Day!) and next weekend (family coming to town!). I still have some gift cards from Christmas (I was waiting to lose my baby weight before I invested in lots of clothes), so I'm excited about finding some new duds.

For you teachers out there--or former students who can remember assignments teachers gave you--I'm looking for a third book for 10th grade honor students to read for summer reading. I'd prefer something non-fiction, and I want it to produce a good writing topic for them. Last year I tapered off the summer reading and had them read two books (and one of them was really short--Of Mice and Men), but I think that was a mistake. I'm looking to rev it up again this year to "set the tone" for the rest of the year.

My love for the Food Network has been renewed. I really hadn't watched much since Amelia was born, but lately, that is what I watch (meaning "have on in the background") in the early evenings while I do things around the house and tend to Amelia. Lately I've become obsessed with desserts and cake decorating shows. Not sure why. In my fantasy world, I would be a teacher at a school where students want to learn four days a week and be a pastry chef on Fridays. :) Sound good?


Kristy said...

Can't help you on the Lost thing, but I hope you got to go shopping today! As for the book, I'm not as big on non-fiction. I did enjoy Maya Angelou's "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" which is her story. (Sorry for the quotes around the book title. I couldn't figure out how to italicize or underline here.) Is that book appropriate for 10th grade honors? It's like an 8th grade reading level, I believe, but still thought provoking.
Ditto on the Food Network thing. I've always wanted to take a cake decorating class & be the ultimate "Mom" & make my kids' b-day cakes. Cheesy, huh? Although if we lived closer we could take culinary classes together, or at least cake deco. at the local Michael's!

Jenny said...

What about "Autobiography of a Face" or a book by Anne Moody---something about growing up in Mississippi. Those two stand out in my mind as being great nonfiction.