Friday, January 18, 2008


Friday is finally here! Woohoo! Has this seemed like a long week for everyone else?

I feel like I've been hit by a truck. Amelia had a not-so-great night Wednesday night, so I think I got about three hours of not-great sleep. Last night she had a great night, but unfortunately, I was still up trying to get stuff done (type out vocabulary tests, prepare my lunch for today, get Amelia's bottles ready, etc.) for about three of the hours she was sleeping. Darryl left for a day-long trip to Tampa just a few minutes ago, and I'm drinking some much needed coffee while Amelia contentedly swings in her swing. I would love just to slip back under the covers.

My parents are coming this evening for the weekend. If we don't have the Snow Storm of the Century tomorrow night (you know how the weather forecasters play it up), Darryl and I are going to dinner AND a movie!! I'm so excited!!! I desperately want to see Juno. I think Darryl wants to see National Treasure. But I gave birth, so I think I should win. :) (I think a running gag on the show Mad About You was that Jamie would always win an argument by playing the "but I gave birth" trump card.)

I think I actually had a point when I started writing this post, but I don't remember what it was supposed to be...


Anonymous said...

Juno is pretty hilarious so I hope you win!

Anonymous said...

I hope ya'll get to go! They were showing icicles on some of the buildings in Atlanta at lunch today. Don't worry about the loss of thought, it gets a little better when your sleep becomes more regular! Although, your sleep may never be what it once was...

Jenny said...

It was a LONG week for sure...I wanna see JUNO too!!!