Saturday, September 15, 2007

The glass half full

I guess I woke up on the right side of the bed this morning because I am in a really good mood.

I just returned from Dunkin' Donuts (don't judge me), and the thermometer on my car said 66 degrees. It makes me think that fall might actually be on the way. Fall is, without a doubt, my favorite time of year. Fall festivals, county fairs, Homecoming at school, pumpkin patches, sweaters brought out of their summer retirement...I love all these things. To top it all off, I'm excited about the tremendous life change that Darryl and I will experience in November. I know from all my friends and family who have kids that this will also be a time of being overwhelmed, exhausted, and perhaps even "blue" from time to time, but I'm still excited about it.

I also can't complain about school these days. My mother commented the other day that when she asks how my day was, I'll reply, "All right" or "fine" instead of saying it was really good or great. Honestly, the only thing that keeps it from being good or great is my constant fatigue. Taking a break from seniors, however, has been a drastic improvement. I have a good group of juniors who have helped me remember why I like teaching. My honors sophomores have been a bit of a struggle in the sense that they don't seem very academically motivated, but I'm hoping they'll come around.

So all is good. I am about to grade essays, though, so I'm not sure how long this mood will last...note that while I did say I like my students, I did not say they are great writers. :)


Jenny said...

I love fall the best too. Too bad I don't live in a state that has REAL fall weather. :*( Pooh.

Amy said...

After living in Florida and Louisiana, I can totally relate. I think we now live just far enough north that we get a taste of actual seasons...

Still, you can enjoy a caramel apple no matter what the temperature is. :)