Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday Evening Mom Update

I drove in this afternoon and surprised my mom with a visit. I called my dad yesterday to tell him I wanted to come for a few days, and we decided to keep it a surprise...and she definitely was surprised!

As for what is going on with her...the doctors still don't know for sure and probably won't until they get her labs back.  A neurologist saw her yesterday and ordered another CAT scan and spinal tap (both of which have already been done) because he was concerned there was some kind of pressure around her spine, causing her legs to be as weak as they are.  Her liver is also a bit swollen and some of those levels are a little elevated, but one possibility for that is all the medicine she has been taking over the past twenty days.

HOWEVER...this afternoon a physical therapist worked with her to help her get around more and build up her strength, and my mom was able to walk down the hallway (assisted, of course), and she sat in a chair for a few hours.  This is the most she has been up and about, and while it wore her out ultimately, she did say it helped her feel better.  We're hoping to continue that kind of "exercise" so she can do more and more.

Her hospital meal looked terrible tonight, and I offered to get her some Mexican food...so we had a fiesta picnic instead of standard hospital fare. Woohoo!!

(A running joke with her meals at the hospital is apparently somewhere it says she can't chew her food well, so all her food comes to her chopped in tiny pieces.  We've mentioned several times that she has all her teeth and can actually chew her food, and the next meal might be "normal," but sure enough, she'll eventually get the chopped up food again.  I wish I had taken a photo of her chicken and rice tonight. It might be the grossest thing I've ever seen on a plate.)

And for our after-dinner entertainment, Darryl called us on FaceTime and Amelia danced to Taio Cruz's "Dynamite" -- I mean a full-on routine.  It was hilarious!

So it was a good afternoon.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers, and let's hope today marked the beginning of some steady improvement!

(Also, forgive any typos.  I know better.  I'm just tired.)

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